Breathing Circle
With the powerful PSYCHEDELIC BREATH practice we will focus on what is no longer serving you, letting go and releasing whatever is holding you back, that which feels old, stagnant or just ready to release.
PSYCHEDELIC BREATH is a beautiful dynamic form of breathwork that alters the bodies physiology allowing for you to possibly experience non-ordinary states of consciousness. The brain moves into deeper states of brainwave activity- from Beta – to Delta & perhaps at moments Theta.
PSYCHEDELIC BREATH can have an impact on allowing a flow on many levels. This can be physically, emotionally, in beliefs, or in energy. This evening we gather together to celebrate summer with some nourishing & heart opening Ceremonial Cacao, We celebrate life and in dedication to our practice – self care – self love.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, Epilepsy, High Blood pressure, High inner eye pressure, Detached Retina, Cardiovascular problems, Strokes, Clinical anxiety, panic attacks or psychosis, recent surgery (broken bones/ wounds). If you are experiencing one of the above this technique is too strong now